An aspect of the Origins minicomics that causes annoyance is how too much content is forced into a small number of pages. The stories feel chaotic simply because so much is crammed into the text boxes. You will see that here.
Frequent continuity problems also arise. The tales are muddled and inconsistent. This is even more frustrating when the story relates to a Vintage concept because it leads to contradictions. The quality is distinctly lacking.
A theme from the end of the Vintage era was how Keldor became Skeletor. This was expanded during the Classics era when it was stated that Hordak created Skeletor by fusing Keldor with an evil entity named Demo-Man.
This story attempts to record the tale in minicomic form. It works apart from one very obvious contradiction: Evil-Lyn excises the entity from Skeletor after He-Man was shown to have done that already during an earlier battle.
This story relates to a Vintage comic named The Warrior Machine! in which Hordak modifies Extendar. In the new tale Hordak captures Extendar so he can take back the heroic warrior’s power source and use it in a new creation.
It’s a simple story and that is to its credit. It is a credible sequel to the original minicomic. Extendar fights his way from Hordak’s lair without He-Man’s help this time. Hordak nonetheless succeeds in making a new creature.
Another rubbish story that is a sequel to the Origins minicomic The Sword of the Serpent and basically duplicates much of the plot. Skeletor seems to have shaken off the Snake Men’s influence but still wears their armour.
Lady Slither fails to bring her fleet to Eternia but sneaks through a portal in a shuttlecraft. Various Snake Men make suicidal demands and betray each other. King Hiss comes back from the dead with a plan to restore his reign.
A Vintage minicomic titled The Secret Liquid of Life! introduced Geldor as a villain on a quest for immortality. He didn’t find it and was eaten by a tree before he could consume the elixir. This story finds him alive and well.
The tale doesn’t work. There are contradictions from the original plot and even within the story itself. Geldor’s change of heart following the appearance of a never-seen-before wife is forced and unconvincing. It’s a mess.