Western Publishing released a large number of MOTU and POP books under the Golden brand from 1983 to 1986. The illustrations followed a house style and varied in quality, but were generally adequate for kids’ picture books.
The cover paintings by Earl Norem were much more dramatic and detailed. The stories were presumably aimed at children who were learning to read, so the content is basic. There are, however, some good moments of jeopardy.
Twelve short-story soft-cover MOTU books were released, and these are presented on this page. It is still possible to track down some of these books on AbeBooks, plus the POP titles and larger MOTU books (full list below).

This story uses the canonical theme of the combined halves of the Power Sword allowing access to Grayskull. After diverting the heroes to Point Dread (not seen in the illustrations), Mer‑Man is able to capture He‑Man.
He‑Man survives and is then given a power to enter the castle when Zodac makes a brief appearance. Skeletor loses the subsequent battle. There's a forlorn note at the end when He‑Man admits more trouble lies ahead.

Skeletor conjures a whirlwind that rips Grayskull from its foundations and transports it to the Land of Shadows. He‑Man and his friends look for the castle. It's a long quest with many undescribed obstacles and hardships.
He‑Man battles Skeletor and defeats him by deflecting an energy blast back at the evil warlord. The castle magically returns home and flowers bloom in the sunshine. One illustration gives Man‑at‑Arms a green face.

After encountering a well near Castle Grayskull which he'd apparently never noticed before, He‑Man hears fighting and climbs down the well to investigate. He finds himself in a cavern and sees Teela battling Skeletor.
Skeletor has heard there is underground access to Castle Grayskull, and he seeks entry via the caverns. Battle Cat finds Stratos and Man‑at‑Arms, who join the fray. The underground entrance to Castle Grayskull is sealed.

This story is the worst in terms of both illustration and story. Even the paper it was printed on was substandard. The tale makes little sense from start to finish. He‑Man is knocked out by Skeletor and relieved of his sword.
He‑Man and Stratos enter Castle Grayskull and encounter a series of pointless illusions. Skeletor says he allowed He‑Man access and is defeated when the Power Sword splits in half just before a fatal blow. A very weak story.

This book introduces Lady Irena, a childhood friend of Teela and Adam, who has apparently come to the royal palace to visit her friends. But Orko catches sight of Irena sharpening a dagger and suspects something is wrong.
It turns out that the real Irena has been trapped in a large crystal sphere in Slime Swamp, and the visitor is actually a lizard creature. The plot is uncovered by He‑Man and the Sorceress. There's some nice jeopardy to the story.

The Sorceress calls He‑Man to Castle Grayskull to observe Skeletor's latest plot. They watch through a device called the Eye of Eternia. Skeletor uses magic to drag the Sorceress through the eye into another dimension.
Orko reactivates the eye and the Heroic Warriors enter the strange dimension. With Cosmic Clock under his control, Skeletor has to wait until it strikes twelve to gain control of time itself, but He‑Man prevents this.

With a device called the Stone Ray, Skeletor is able to create monstrous beings from rock. He rapidly builds an army which He‑Man is initially able to defeat before the royal palace is destroyed, but more monsters are created.
During the ensuing battle Buzz‑Off discovers Skeletor's creatures dissolve in water. He‑Man diverts a river and drowns the rock warriors. Skeletor tries again by creating a giant rock warrior, but it is smashed by He‑Man.

A story of dubious morality and contradictions which begins when Fisto returns home with an artefact containing a map. He‑Man and his friends decide it would be useful to use the map to find a young dragon to train as a steed.
But He‑Man admonishes Skeletor for seeking a similar goal, telling the evil warrior that babies belong with their mothers when an adult dragon turns up to rescue her progeny. The story is notable for featuring Goat Man.

Fragments from a meteor which explodes in the Eternian night sky have strange effects on those who get too close to them. Man‑at‑Arms is the first to fall under the influence and grows into a giant evil version of himself.
Creatures under the control of Skeletor and his minions undergo similar transformations and fight the heroes. He‑Man tries to locate the pieces. With disappointing predictability the solution is to smash the minerals.

This story begins with a battle at Enchanted Mountain. He‑Man encourages Fisto to use his steel fist to smash the ground beneath their evil adversaries. The ensuing cliff collapse causes Skeletor's warriors to fall down.
Skeletor flies with Evil‑Lyn in Roton to the mountain and uses the craft to burrow into the cavern where the wizard Motta guards some magic mirrors. Skeletor transforms himself into a Fisto replica. He-Man spots the deception.

Skeletor captures Orko in the jaws of Land Shark and heads off towards Snake Mountain, planning to destroy He‑Man when he attempts to rescue his friend. Prince Adam transforms into He‑Man and joins Teela in pursuit.
Skeletor crashes Land Shark and Orko is freed, but Skeletor creates a swarm of snakes around him. Teela gets suspicious that He‑Man and Adam are never seen together. Orko creates an illusion of the prince to deceive her.

A terrible earthquake carves a gorge from Snake Mountain to the royal palace. Skeletor knows that the shadow from an eclipse will grant the power to rule Eternia to whoever has control of the palace when darkness falls.
Skeletor and his minions slip into the palace which has been evacuated while engineers check for damage. Man‑at‑Arms leads an ill-fated assault to reclaim the building. He‑Man joins the fray and retakes the palace.
POP Soft Covers
The Sword of She-Ra
Glimmer of Hope
The Enchantment
The Crooked Crown
Giant Picture Books
Heroic Warriors
Evil Warriors
MOTU Hard Covers
I Have the Power
Skeletor's Flower of Power
He-Man Smells Trouble
The River of Ruin
Teela's Secret
The Horde
POP Hard Covers
She-Ra, the Princess of Power
The Queen of the Ball
Everything but Happiness
The Spirit of She-Ra
MOTU Hard Covers (Heroic Champions)
Dangerous Games
New Champions of Eternia
Demons of the Deep
Maze of Doom
POP Hard Covers (Heroic Champions)
The Silent Storm
The Trouble with Doubles
Too Long at the Fair
The Folly of Catra