The quality varies once again with the minicomics shown here. There are moments of interest but also quite a few duds. Unnecessarily complicated plots spoil some of the stories and don’t fit into half a dozen pages well.

This story suffers from the forced introduction of another ROTS character called Hypno, who apparently not only has the ability to hypnotize but can also see the future, and Skeletor is told of his dreadful fate. (The reader isn’t.)
The main theme of the story is meant to be about the Snakemen deceiving Skeletor into an alliance so Castle Grayskull can be captured. This is nothing new. This weak story therefore contributes nothing of interest.

An odd story in which Adora wakes up with no memory and is soon pursued by Grizzlor. Her allies in the escape plan are killed. It’s all a test created by Hordak, so it’s not clear if any of it is supposed to be real or imagined.
Adora finally causes Grizzlor to run off by making him gaze upon his own reflection. It’s apparently the only way to defeat this slayer of entire races. The minicomic came with the standard – but still exclusive – version of Grizzlor.

He-Man is sent below Castle Grayskull to find Frog Monger, a former sorcerer-prince who possesses a magic key. He-Man needs the key to enter King Randor’s mind. The king is tormented psychically by a dragon-snake.
After banishing the creature, He-Man allows Frog Monger to return to his hoard of gold inside the fortress. It’s a busy story because it combines Randor’s predicament with the titular character’s backstory, but it’s quite good.

A story about the young King Randor trying to gain allies and establish himself as a worthy ruler. He is guided by the character named Slamurai. A battle ensues in which Randor protects a castle by outwitting some enemies.
The main problem is that the Snake Men are led by an infected Teela. She was not born when Randor gained the throne. There’s also a time-travel aspect which doesn’t make sense if Randor is a strong king in the present.

This minicomic is derived from a MOTU graphic novel in which attacks on different realities played out. The writer of that convoluted story designed a concept character called He-Skeletor, who was released with this minicomic.
Admittedly, the concept of different dimensions was there from the start of the Masters of the Universe, but in a basic form. These new adaptations are too clever for their own good, so they end up muddled and incoherent.

Snake Face fancies his chances at being a ruler and turns King Randor and King Hiss to stone. He then summons a Medusa-like snake goddess who builds an army and offers an all-powerful artefact. He-Man steps in to stop him.
Magical objects have been a regular theme in MOTU stories from the very first vintage minicomic. This story is in keeping with those ideas. It’s just factions battling each other for power. MOTU tales don’t need anything else.